Date(s) - 17/11/2018 - 18/11/2018
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Kortrijk Xpo
Benelux Winner on 18/11/2018
Eurodogshow 2018 opens its doors for the 55th time on 17th and 18th November. And this year for the second time in cooperation with Felis Belgica-Cats. This way, the board of directors of the Eurodogshow, offers even more than before, a very comprehensive ‘animal show’ to the many visitors, stallholders and exhibitors who come down to KortrijkXpo every year.
Everybody is welcome
The whole family is welcome at the Eurodogshow 2018, as long as the necessary health requirements are met for the pets.
Also all dogs from visitors are welcome for free at the Eurodogshow 2018. Every visitor has to pay an entrance fee but dogs don’t.
As every year we expect about 20.000 visitors during both days of the show this year.
Saterday ring 35A (hall 6), judge : Cindy Pettersson
Sunday ring 34A (hall 6), judge : Andrej Kerpan
Online Entry : Eurodogshow